Tap to Unmute
It’s up to you to
save america
Every Dollar you contribute allows us to continue fighting for the truth & reclaim our former glory!
ConservativePAC is commissioned to challenge the old guard, unseat those with wavering loyalties, and reestablish the Christ & America FIRST ideology as the standard for our nation!
**ConservativePAC Contribution Refund Policy** Contributions to ConservativePAC are considered final and non-refundable. By donating, you acknowledge that the funds are from your own resources, are not being reimbursed by another person or entity, and comply with all relevant federal election laws. ConservativePAC must report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of contributors whose total donations exceed $200 in a single calendar year. Please note, contributions are not eligible for tax deductions as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. **Chargeback Policy:** Although ConservativePAC maintains a no-refund policy, your payment method’s provider, such as a credit card company, might offer a chargeback option. In the event of a chargeback, ConservativePAC will defend against such disputes to the extent allowable by law. Chargeback disputes can lead to a temporary hold of funds by the payment provider during the review period, which may last up to 120 days. By making a donation, you understand and agree to these terms, including the procedures related to potential chargebacks.

© Conservative PAC 2024